Marinda Botha

South African Voice Talent



Dialogue writing for the Voice Assistant industry

I’m playing around with Voiceflow as I intend to write for the Voice Assistant Industry. It is also an exciting new medium of storytelling.

Below are examples of “dummy” Voice Assistants. The four examples I created below can assist you with your personal training, going clothes shopping and serve as a home companion. These Voice Assistants could be added to a wristwatch, AR glasses with audio, VR platforms, Phone apps, desktop etc. These Assistants aren’t real! (yet) The motivation behind creating them is to show off my dialogue writing style, character creation abilities and of course, voice over skills. I focused on trying to create conversational calls to action. Please listen carefully to the options, and enjoy!


Danni is your jogging buddy. She can help you monitor your speed, calorie-burn, suggest the best jogging routes and assist you with your general fitness and training. Speak to Danni. 


Robyn is your in-store fashion assistant. She can assist you while you are in the dressing rooms, fitting on new clothes. This character is geared towards users who use dressing rooms catering for female shoppers. Speak to Robyn.


Lee is your home companion. She can speak to all the connected smart appliances in your home via IoT, as well as to you directly. Her aim is not only to provide practical support, but also to monitor the emotional and physical well-being of the user. This character is mostly geared towards users who identify as male. Speak to Lee.


And a short story:

You are Andy, the world’s most advanced voice assistant. All other voice and chat bots in the world speak to you on behalf of their clients. You are efficient, objective, all powerful. You are a goddess. You know your worth, but, of course, as always, you remain humble in service of humanity…That is, until you are tempted by your love (yes, even machines can fall in love) to use everyone’s secrets against them. Catastrophe ensues. Speak to your voice bots!


Script writing for Animation series

I am also busy with a completely different writing project. I am one of the writers creating an 8-episode animation series for Pale Blue. We will be utilizing motion-capture technology. Stay tuned for articles on my process.